Another 12 hour day slogging away at work today, and I can't sleep because of the adrenaline. Jay's remaining teeth are coming through, so he keeps waking during the night, obviously in some pain, so I've been carrying him around until he nods off to sleep again, completely knackered.
My parents arrived last week, and its been really great having them here, and for Jay to get to know them. Weather permitting, they usually go out for a long walk in the local park, and I think having them around has really accelerated his speech, as he's now chatting away in baby speak, and can now say "papa" and "bye" very clearly. He's been saying "mama" for a while now, and it makes me happy that I've now joined his lexical repertoire : )
I'm bearing witness to the rounds of redundancies that are sweeping through the foreign affiliated companies that I visit. The impact has been quite severe, leaving those that have avoided the cut feeling angry, confused and fearful. One person said she cried for two days, as many of her long-term colleagues were axed. Another described it as the saddest moment in his life. I think people here have taken it so hard because they've never experienced such swinging changes in their work lives before, and such cuts are pretty rare over here. What I'm hearing is that it's going to get worse, which is pretty devastating.
Well, I've got 4 more days to go before I finish for the year, when I can take a break for two whole weeks! It'll be my longest holiday this year, and it's going to be filled with getting my eyes done, trying to do lots of training, and visiting the various Kobayashi and Watanabe clans for New Year. All very exciting.
My parents arrived last week, and its been really great having them here, and for Jay to get to know them. Weather permitting, they usually go out for a long walk in the local park, and I think having them around has really accelerated his speech, as he's now chatting away in baby speak, and can now say "papa" and "bye" very clearly. He's been saying "mama" for a while now, and it makes me happy that I've now joined his lexical repertoire : )
I'm bearing witness to the rounds of redundancies that are sweeping through the foreign affiliated companies that I visit. The impact has been quite severe, leaving those that have avoided the cut feeling angry, confused and fearful. One person said she cried for two days, as many of her long-term colleagues were axed. Another described it as the saddest moment in his life. I think people here have taken it so hard because they've never experienced such swinging changes in their work lives before, and such cuts are pretty rare over here. What I'm hearing is that it's going to get worse, which is pretty devastating.
Well, I've got 4 more days to go before I finish for the year, when I can take a break for two whole weeks! It'll be my longest holiday this year, and it's going to be filled with getting my eyes done, trying to do lots of training, and visiting the various Kobayashi and Watanabe clans for New Year. All very exciting.
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