Sakura falling

How quickly spring has come. The river walk near our home has turned pink with cherry blossom, and we've had a couple of hanami sessions (drinking/eating under the cherry blossom tree).
Jay can now pull himself up to a standing position, and spends a lot of time leaning on the coffee table playing with toys and sprouting a language all of his own. He's a fast crawler now too. He loves playing hide and seek with us around the house, giggling loudly whilst trying to find us.
Enjoying work at the moment. Some new courses have began in the fiscal new year, and I'm trying out new ideas with positive results. There hasn't been too much negative impact from the sub prime crisis, although I do hear of cut-backs and some belt tightening going on in the financial sector.
I've been trying to get back into exercising again after taking two weeks out due to a nasty virus that we all came down with. Also making efforts to get back into meditation, after reading of the positive long term benefits it creates in mood and well being.
Those photos are fantastic, really made me smile :-)
Cheers matey! Happy times indeed.
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