Sunday, May 06, 2007

Heroerotic sport

Just read an excellent article in The Observer about man love in football. Very funny: LINK
It seems very obvious really. The whole spectre of watching extremely fit men run around "fighting" each other, and then rejoicing in their glory when they score. And yet, men don't see anything homoerotic in it at all, which is rather funny as in fact it's extremely so. Are we all in denial, or is this an important aspect of men's nature that needs to be expressed?
Spent a very lazy summery day yesterday in the local park. Miyu and I picnicked, read, tried some code breaking (from a very good book by Simon Singh - LINK), slept and took loads of pictures of some gorgeous flowers. Yes, flowers. I'm totally comfortable with my softer side, you see ; )
I'll post some flower pictures later...


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