Monday, February 05, 2007

Alcohol and caffeine

I did a little experiment during Jnuary, where I stopped drinking any booze nd coffee. Partly to detox nd also to see how it would mke me feel, seeing as I was imbibing both of those poisons on pretty much a daily basis.

Well, initially it was a tad uncomfortable. I suppose you could call it withdrawal symptoms. Slight headache over the first two days, coupled with constipation because my morning coffee also acted as a body poo flusher! After that though, things settled down. I felt much calmer and could sleep better during the night. Waking up in the morning was easier too, and I found it quicker to get going.

Overall, it was a very positive experience, and although I'm going to continue drinking both substances, I'm going to cut back a lot. Booze just for special occasions and coffee only in the morning (clean out the system, as it were!)


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