Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Hiccups a plenty

Apparently, a healthy baby still in the womb hiccups a lot, which I was very happy to read last night as the little 'un inside Miyu has been doing an awful lot of it recently! Something to do with their lungs and how they can pump oxygen around their tiny bods. He should have quite a head of hair on him by now too, and get this - he'll soon shed his body hair plus a filmy coating, then consume this and this'll constitute his first dump when he emerges into this world!!
My re-introduction to gymdom continues apace. I ventured down to the Tipness Shibuya on Sunday, and spent four hours doing a variety of sweaty things. First off a 20 minute warm-up on the stationary bike, followed by 10 minutes of stretching, then weight machines and free weights, followed by two classes of Slim Box and Fighting Rush and finished off with some more much needed stretching. Cor, I was knackered! The two classes were great fun though. The first a combination of boxing and aerobics, and the second a hyper fast combination of karate, kick-boxing, boxing and aerobics. I was a puddle of sweat afterwards, but a smiling puddle of sweat. It felt really good. After showering, I spent 30 minutes in one of those amazing Japanese massage chairs, dozing off to the rhythmic pummelling of my sore muscles.


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