Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Lazy day and music exploration

Having a bit of a lazy day today, due to some client cancellations. I was going to be really active and go to the gym, but I think I overdid it a bit yesterday, so decided to take it easy.
Listening to Emiliana Torrini, who has such a beautiful voice, quite similar to Bjork, and Vampire Weekend, who are very cool.
Also began reading The Return of Merlin by Deepak Chopra, which although is about the whole Arthur, Camelot story, is very philosophical and questions the state of the world and society today. Here's a quote from the introduction:

"What society thinks of as reality today is the hypnosis of social conditioning, an induced fiction in which we are all participating. It is the melodrama of a humdrum existence, filled with trite obsessions and trivial pursuits, wherein our only fate is to born, grow old and die.
If we could only realize it, the keys to the miracle of life lie in our own consciousness.
Life will bestow miracles on us when we begin to see it as an expression of the miraculous. Life itself is a miracle. We are here and now - that is a miracle."

Never a truer word be spoken, and yet it's true, we seem to forget that this life we live in is pure miracle, and just about the most amazing thing to ever happen. I'm constantly weighed down by mundane thoughts and actions which in the grand scheme of things mean little, but seem to take on more significance than they deserve. Just free association here, but does this have anything to do with living in a city? Because a city is a human construct, artificial and unnatural. Does being within such a construct extinguish our inner flame and awareness of the miracle of life? Would living more in nature, near the sea, next to open ground and trees lead to a second awakening of our consciousness? Are we destroying what is beautiful and miraculous in order to satisfy "trite obsessions and trivial pursuits"?


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