Badger College Day2
Wednesdays usually finds me at the badger college - where-as Tuesdays are only for this month. Much the same as Tuesday really, but this week the Prof. decided to take the day off and so she had e-mailed me a couple of assignments. The first was creating a database of all references used for our China Badger Project, which I finished off in the morning. Then she asked me to prepare for a Work review session next week. Can't believe it's been 6 months already since I started. Time really has whizzed by. It's been fun trying different things this year: attending Japanese school, learning kanji, trying different jobs and taking time out generally to do what I want to do. I do feel though that I still need to find something that can consume me for a while - a project that I can really bite into and explore. Don't really know what that is at the moment, but I'm pretty sure something is coming, and I just have to keep my senses tuned into spotting it when it comes along.
OK, don't laugh, but last week, one of my students, Noriyuki the banker, lent me a's The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks. It's the kind of book that I would never buy myself because it's one of those slushy romantic novels that seem ready made to be made into an equally crappy film. Anyway, Noriyuki just kind of whipped it out (no, not that! The book, silly), and started gushing about how great the book was, and that he had been reading it on the train into work and it had made him start crying right in the middle of salariman rush hour (his first time). Now, Noriyuki is an ex-rugby playing hard nosed banker, who is the last person on Earth I'd expect to be so affected by such a book, so I must admit I was piqued, and accepted his offer of lending it to me. And do you know what, it had the same affect on me!! I was reading it this morning on the train into work, and before you know it there were tears in my eyes and a big lump in my throat (don't even think of it!). What was going on???? I couldn't believe this pulpy little novel could have such a strong effect on me. Had I finally lost it? Reading on, it's basically about love, and how Alzheimer's can devastate those in love. If you get the chance, and you don't have to buy the book, do me a favour. Read it and tell me if it made you cry too - then at least I know I'm not losing it...
OK, don't laugh, but last week, one of my students, Noriyuki the banker, lent me a's The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks. It's the kind of book that I would never buy myself because it's one of those slushy romantic novels that seem ready made to be made into an equally crappy film. Anyway, Noriyuki just kind of whipped it out (no, not that! The book, silly), and started gushing about how great the book was, and that he had been reading it on the train into work and it had made him start crying right in the middle of salariman rush hour (his first time). Now, Noriyuki is an ex-rugby playing hard nosed banker, who is the last person on Earth I'd expect to be so affected by such a book, so I must admit I was piqued, and accepted his offer of lending it to me. And do you know what, it had the same affect on me!! I was reading it this morning on the train into work, and before you know it there were tears in my eyes and a big lump in my throat (don't even think of it!). What was going on???? I couldn't believe this pulpy little novel could have such a strong effect on me. Had I finally lost it? Reading on, it's basically about love, and how Alzheimer's can devastate those in love. If you get the chance, and you don't have to buy the book, do me a favour. Read it and tell me if it made you cry too - then at least I know I'm not losing it...
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