
So, I've clocked up another year (I'm not going to say how old I am. Let's just say it's somewhere between 36 and 38), and I suppose such an occasion leads one to reflect a tad on ones life.
I'm fairly satisfied with my lot, I suppose. I'm in a great relationship and live in a great house. Work wise it's not great - I feel I could be doing something more challenging with my mind, but at the same time it isn't unenjoyable. Money's tight, but that's to be expected after moving house, especially here in Tokyo.
Some of the things I'd really like to do in this coming year is to visit another country, have "proper christmas", learn more Japanese, do some Taiko drumming, do more writing and try to get fit (lapsed gym membership has meant little motivation to keep in shape). I also want to cook more. I cooked up a delicious (if I do say so myself) Thai curry last night, and really enjoyed the whole process of doing so. Arranging all the ingrediants into seperate dishes, lining up all the oils and spices and figuring out what to cook first and for how long, was very absorbing and satisfying. Because of our work schedules, Miyu's usually the one to make our dinner, so I'm going to do all the cooking from now on at the weekends and on holidays.
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