Scratching man
He boarded the train at Hibiya station, a normal looking salaryman wearing a dark suit and a white shirt. What was unusual was that he had taken off his tie, unbuttoned his shirt to lower chest level, and was frantically scratching himself. This was two handed, coordinated scratching of the very highest order. Once he found his spot in the carriage, he began scratching his chest, moved up to his neck, worked his way up to his head, then his face and then took it in turn to scratch several layers of skin off both his arms. I just sat there, transfixed, watching the steady rhythm of his scratching. All the while he had a fixed look of desperation on his face, that said "Oh bugger, I forgot the anti-scratch cream again." or words to that effect. When he alighted a few stops later, he was still scratching, his skin looking very raw, but not yet bleeding. I just hope he was able to find some sort of satisfaction from the whole thing, and that he didn't scratch himself out of existence.
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