Anybody that's been to Tokyo will know there are these HUGE crows everywhere. They show no fear whatsoever of humans, cats or dogs, and have been known to sweep down on people occasionally and often play the game "shit on the human". They are jet black, with shiny beaks and sharp, matt talons that look like they'd razor through you like hot butter, leaving you fluttering in the wind. Why is it that they're so large? Compared to the British variety, they are giants. If the two ever met, you'd best put your money on the Japanese Godzilla Crow to win, and then eat the Flying Bulldog. I have a theory that they were once humans - homeless people who have been turned into scavengers, increasing in number every year as the authrities try to keep the number of blue tarporline homeless off the streets. How long until they are too many in number and the attacks begin. We are not ready, we need time to prepare...
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