Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Destroy TV

Did a very satisfying thing yesterday. We got rid of our TV. This man was driving around the neighbourhood, blaring a pre-recorded message asking for "any old junk", and Miyu dashed out and hailed him down. He was a sweaty gent with a gentle smile. In Japan, YOU have to pay people to take your junk. Well, not junk exactly. Everything we gave away, including a gas heater, TV, kotatsu and stereo stand, were all in working order. However, we paid 5,500 Yen (which is about 25 squid), for the privilidge to have it taken away by the bespectacled junk junky, who kept on eyeing our two laptops and asking "are you SURE you don't want me to take those?" "YES!"
So, no TV day 1 and Miyu couldn't stand it so she ended up watching some international travel dating program called "Ai-nori" on my mobile phone TV, on it's tiny 2 inch screen. Surprisingly good reception on the little bugger.


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